After the project participation in previous editions of the IEEE BMSB conference, 5G-Xcast recently organised a Special Issue on 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. The special issue, which was released last June, contains 11 articles addressing the main innovations and topics related to the use of 5G. Each paper is related to a specific 5G-PPP project. The projects represented are 5G-Xcast, 5G-MEDIA, SaT5G, 5GCity, IoRL, 5G ESSENCE, NGPaaS, Bluespace, SliceNet, 5GCAR and 5G-TRANSFORMER.
Such varied number of projects faithfully represents the whole 5G ecosystem. These papers mainly focus on broadcast and multicast technologies as a cornerstone for the future delivery of M&E services, but they also cover a wide range of topics such as 5G transport, virtualization, cloud, V2X, visible light or optical communications.
The Special Issue can be accessed through this link.