The latest news for the 5GXCast Project. To keep informed of the latest project activities, follow us on twitter @5Gxcast for live updates.
July 2019
New IEEE Transactions on Broadcasting Special Issue on 5G now available!
After the project participation in previous editions of the IEEE BMSB conference, 5G-Xcast recently organised a Special Issue on 5G for Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting. The special issue, which was released last June, contains 11 [...]
June 2019
5G-Xcast participation at EUCNC 2019
5G-Xcast was one of the 5G-PPP Phase-II projects present at the 28th edition of European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2019, held 18-21 June in Valencia (Spain). The conference, which gathered large amounts of [...]
5G-Xcast Programme – EuCNC 2019
5G-Xcast will be actively involved in multiple activities during the 28th edition of European Conference on Networks and Communications, EuCNC 2019, held next 18-21 June in Valencia (Spain). The conference, which is expected to gather large amounts of experts [...]
5G-Xcast participation at IEEE BMSB 2019
5G-Xcast project was heavily involved in the 2019 IEEE Broadband Multimedia Systems and Broadcasting (BMSB'19) conference held by the Korea Institute of Broadcast and Media Engineers (KIBME) and the Electronics and Telecommunications Research Institute (ETRI) in Jeju, [...]
May 2019
3GPP status on LTE-based 5G Terrestrial Broadcast
The enhancement of the existing LTE technology to deliver linear TV and radio services to an infinite number of receivers was identified as one of the points to address in 3GPP after the definition of [...]
5G-Xcast paper on 5G NR-based Terrestrial Broadcast delivery: A step beyond FeMBMS
5G-Xcast is proud to announce the acceptance and forthcoming release of the latest project contribution to the development of a holistic media delivery system for 5G. The journal paper entitled '5G New Radio for Terrestrial [...]
5G-Xcast participation at #5GMediaRoad2019
5G-Xcast project was present at the #5GMEDIAROAD2019, a two days event on 5G media production and distribution organised by the 5G-PPP MediaRoad project and hosted by IRT. The event held during 8th and 9th May [...]
5G-Xcast lecture at the University of Cagliari
Professor David Gomez-Barquero, Project Manager of 5G-Xcast, gave a lecture on Broadcast and Multicast Communications Enablers for 5G at the University of Cagliari (Italy). The lecture was organized by the Italian Chapter of the IEEE [...]
April 2019
3GPP to study the architecture enhancements needed to provide 5G multicast/broadcast services
As part of the normative work carried out in Release 16, 3GPP approved the Study Item on architectural enhancements for 5G multicast-broadcast services (SP-190253) during the 3GPP SA plenary meeting held 20-22 March in Shenzhen, [...]
5G-Xcast participation at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019
5G-Xcast and One5G 5G-PPP Phase-II projects organized a joint workshop at the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference (WCNC) 2019 edition, held 15th to 19th April in Marrakech, Morocco. The workshop attracted around 17 high [...]