5G-Xcast is proud to announce that deliverable D4.1 on Mobile Core Networks is now released and can be downloaded from this link.

This document describes the proposed 5G mobile core network that enables multicast and broadcast capabilities where two different alternatives have been considered. This document provides an analysis of the architectural alternatives. The architectural alternatives have been built based on the 5G-Xcast design principles and building blocks. Two different approaches to leverage multicast and broadcast capabilities in 5G mobile core network have been studied: transparent multicast transport and point-to-multipoint services.

This document also presents new functionalities and technologies considered within 5G-Xcast such as converged autonomous switch between unicast, multicast and broadcast for the converged network including fixed broadband and mobile networks, Public Warning for multimedia content, Multilink and Multi-access Edge Computing. In addition, the limitations of eMBMS in LTE that have motivated the current work are also outlined in this document.

Stay tuned for more deliverables to come soon!